October 19, 2012

Seeing Van Rompuy for what he is: 'a guy taking a walk'

The European leaders agreed on further regulations on banks from Brussels, moving forward on their way towards a European Banking Union. The summit was also used to address a vision document put together by European President Herman van Rompuy on further European integration.

This blog will be about Van Rompuy later, but I would like to start to touch upon the agreed European banking oversight and what the consequences will be for European consumers and (small) businesses.

October 7, 2012

Will Apple be the next Nokia?

I remember the nineties of the last century, when cell phones came into fashion for the majority of people in a quickly globalizing world. The early adaptors of the eighties aside, who carried large batteries with a phone on top, it wasn't until the nineties that the cell phone took over for good. In the early days, there were many companies that tried to gain market share in this growth market.