August 28, 2012

Simplifying Complexity - yes we can! With Simco3D.

Simco3D is not just the name for this portal, it actually is the name of our 3D virtual reality tool. If you click on Simco Square in the menu (or scroll down this article), you will get a feel of what this tool looks like. If you want to know what Simco3D can do for your idea, organization, foundation or business, contact us and we will be glad to go over the countless possibilities of Simco3D with you.

Simco3D is an abbreviation made up of 3 parts: sim, co and 3D, which is very short for 'Simplifying Complexity using 3 Dimensional images and virtual reality'.

I know it all sounds great, but what the heck does it mean? I can see the question marks on your face: "What kind of complexity are they referring to? How is this simplified and what is the end result of all that? How can that help my business?" Let me first explain what is meant by complexity.

It was Alan Kay - a professor at MIT - who said that "simple thing should be simple and complex things should be possible". It is a simple, yet strong statement and true for inventors like Dr. Kay, whose job is to create complex things as a solution to a problem.

However, in many businesses today, complexity is not so much related to how to make something possible, the complexity is more related to understanding how things are combined, how things relate to one another. This is very much in line with the meaning of the Latin word 'complexus', which signifies "entwined" or "twisted together". So, in order to have a complex situation you need at least two or more components, which are joined in such a way that it is difficult to separate them.

What we see in many industries is that companies have grown their business in phases, over the years, adding new components to their products and - as a result - introducing new components or additions to their technology. Decisions to keep IT costs as low as possible, adding Excel or VBA macro based plug-ins and postponing investments in new generation technology resulted in spaghetti's of interfaces, too many different systems or applications, incomplete or corrupted data and Excel based applications that are totally dependent on source data from databases in legacy systems, which makes replacing the legacy systems almost impossible.

Everyone working in large organizations will recognize this. Everything works, everyone knows what to do, until something changes or something needs to change. With all regulatory driven changes of the past decade, many companies have found themselves in a situation where they needed to upgrade their database or their IT landscape and that is when they experienced complexity.

Not only the complexity of having to unravel the 'spaghetti', but also the complexity of creating a new and logical operating model. Where to start... and ... where to end... are in many cases the key questions to be answered. As in so many instances, visualisation of complexity helps people understand the problem. The trouble with visualisation is that even the most accurately drawn 'regular' Visio or Omnigraffle pictures of spaghetti's look like... spaghetti's.

Visualising spaghetti's in 3D offers a lot of additional advantages, especially when the viewer is enabled to 'walk' around in the visualisation, viewing it from different angles and receiving various clarifying, multi-media supported, extras explaining the content.
That is where our idea for Simco3D started. Visualising complex operating models in 3D, using virtual reality for walking around and exploring the model from within, making the model better understandable, simplifying the complexity. The focus for this first instance of Simco3D was on the Financial Services industry, as this industry was closest to the creators of Simco3D. But over time the concept of simplifying complexity worked out well for many more complex situations.

Imagine you are developing Real Estate and you want to let your prospects experience the design rather than just showing pictures. With Simco3D you can have the prospect enter the building and experiencing every inch, with many additional features, interactive sessions and multi media plug-ins.

The potential for using Simco3D in Health Care is enormous, with many different levels of complexity:for patient, staff, doctors, specialist MD's, new procedures, site maps with digital counters for hospital related questions, appointments of general medical advice.

A personal favorite on the complexity list is the European Parliament. How is it organised? What does it do? What is on their agenda? Who are in it? How is it all structured? All kinds of information can be linked to this application of Simco3D, but the more fun part is to walk around the European Parliament and experiencing sessions without having to travel to Brussels or Strasbourg.

Did we get your attention yet? If so, let us know and we will contact you instantly to discover your complexity and work with you to find the best ways to simplify that complexity for you and for your clients.

If not, there is more to see when you click on Simco Square in the Portal menu. There are showings of 3D virtual reality walks through complex processes and you can log onto one of our instances to find your own way in the 3D virtual reality world and experience complexity being simplified.

For more information: click here.

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