September 16, 2012

Satire and Muslims... a very explosive cocktail!

The entire Muslim community throughout North Africa and the Middle East countries is demonstrating, burning US flags, destroying US stores and attacking US embassies, even killing the American ambassador and others in Libya. Not because the US have killed innocent women and children, no because of a US made movie that has been posted on Youtube on the early days of the Islam.

The movie "Innocence of Muslims" that can be watched on Youtube is a rather poor version of Monty Python's Life of Brian: true to the original storyline, but twisted in some ways to make it... well, in the case of Monty Python this was to make it funny, which it was, actually.

It is  a very low budget movie, that outlines a few of the Koran's verses and stories from the early days of Muslim faith, when jews and christians were killed or had to pay to stay alive and live as dhimmis, or second rate citizens, in the area of Medina, around 650 after Christ. Stories on how men were killed and women and children sold as slaves can be found in the Islamic holy books, that is not why the muslims in the world are so angry.

No, the muslims in all Arab countries are angry because the actor that plays Mohammed in the movie has a rather promiscues sex life, including the love for children and men. The G-word is actually used in the movie: "you mean, our leader is gay, too?" I believe is used. Mohammed does like women too, as he fools around with many of them in the movie.

Anyway, whatever it may be that is not in line with the Koran, it is just a movie and movies are made about all sorts of topics. What happened to "if you don't like what's on YouTube, turn it off or don't watch it!" This is not a purely politically driven movie, nor is it a very offending movie. It is satire, it is meant to make people smile. It is a poor effort, I agree, but it is nothing more than satire. It is a mirror for the Muslim viewers, showing them what is stated in their Koran.

The reactions of Muslims throughout the world are shocking! The killing of the US ambassador in Libya, in the city no less that the US and their allies protected from complete destruction only a year ago, is an outrage. The vandalism against anything American in North Africa and the Middle East is sickening.

The complete lack of perspective shown by people in all Muslim countries must be some deep sense of inferiority that has a grip on these people. I am trying to understand but I can not so far. Whenever their prophet is mentioned, the situation gets out of control fast. After the Danish cartoon fiasco and the threat of Geert Wilders' Fitna movie, Innocence of Muslims is fueling the Islamic ideology of dominating the world, killing and destroying every man, nation, religion or ideology that stands in its way (that too is written in the Koran).

There is nothing religious about the Muslim uproar in Africa and the Middle East. Religious leaders and imams are calling out to destroy the zionists and the Americans that try to make fun of their prophet. Why aren't the imams calling upon their followers to take things and put them into perspective? That every human being has a right to his or her opinion, that a lot of countries have freedom of speech and freedom of expression, that killing people and destroying property of others is wrong? Even the President of Egypt, Muslim brother himself, called upon the people to take revenge, rather that telling them to go home and get a life, or grow a beard or something.

What is it that makes a Muslim so edgy? Is it pride? Religion? I call it intolerance, for lack of a better word. I do not understand.  They should be angry about what happens in Syria or in Mali, Muslims killing other Muslims.  Whenever you see a bomb explosion on CNN or Al Jazeera in Syria or Lebanon that kills many people in a market square, the only thing you hear is men shouting "Allahu Akbar". What is that? God is great, because he just killed 25 people with a bomb? I don't see the logic, help me understand!

Islamic warriors in Mali destroy villages, killing the men and raping the women, just like it is said in the movie this blog is about. No one is offended by that, except maybe the Western world, but Allah forbid if satire is used on Mohammed the prophet... than all hell brakes loose... can someone tell me why and better yet, can someone stop the intolerance and the violence?

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