December 28, 2012

Why Rutte has become VVD's biggest liability and will leave for Europe in 2013.

Looking back on 2012 as a Dutch voter is painful. It leaves me with all these questions that - once answered - always lead to more questions. It can be confusing and infuriating at the same time. You should try it yourself. Start by asking yourself the following question: "Why did I vote for Mark Rutte and the VVD again in 2012?" The answer will be: "To avoid a left wing PvdA government". That is not what happened, did it? And the same goes for PvdA voters, they have had a similar experience in the opposite direction. 

October 19, 2012

Seeing Van Rompuy for what he is: 'a guy taking a walk'

The European leaders agreed on further regulations on banks from Brussels, moving forward on their way towards a European Banking Union. The summit was also used to address a vision document put together by European President Herman van Rompuy on further European integration.

This blog will be about Van Rompuy later, but I would like to start to touch upon the agreed European banking oversight and what the consequences will be for European consumers and (small) businesses.

October 7, 2012

Will Apple be the next Nokia?

I remember the nineties of the last century, when cell phones came into fashion for the majority of people in a quickly globalizing world. The early adaptors of the eighties aside, who carried large batteries with a phone on top, it wasn't until the nineties that the cell phone took over for good. In the early days, there were many companies that tried to gain market share in this growth market.

September 16, 2012

Satire and Muslims... a very explosive cocktail!

The entire Muslim community throughout North Africa and the Middle East countries is demonstrating, burning US flags, destroying US stores and attacking US embassies, even killing the American ambassador and others in Libya. Not because the US have killed innocent women and children, no because of a US made movie that has been posted on Youtube on the early days of the Islam.

August 28, 2012

Simplifying Complexity - yes we can! With Simco3D.

Simco3D is not just the name for this portal, it actually is the name of our 3D virtual reality tool. If you click on Simco Square in the menu (or scroll down this article), you will get a feel of what this tool looks like. If you want to know what Simco3D can do for your idea, organization, foundation or business, contact us and we will be glad to go over the countless possibilities of Simco3D with you.

August 12, 2012

The double standards of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London

It is the final weekend of the 2012 London Summer Olympics, they have turned out to be very pleasant and well organized Games, with an interesting contest for the number 1 position in the Medal Race between China and the USA, with Great Britain truly Great at the number 3 position and with The Netherlands exceeding expectations with 20 medals so far and a number 12 position in the Medal Race. Many great stories too, about the record breaking swimmer Michael Phelps or Marianne Vos, who won an important event after five years of second places. About 'champion turns legend' Usain Bolt or Flying Dutchman gymnast Epke Zonderland, about double gold medallist Mo Farah or about Sir Chris Hoy, who is now the greatest British Athlete on the Olympics.

I have chosen a different path, my focus for this blog will be on the more doubtful moments
of these lovely Summer Games, on questionable decisions, double standards and true sportsmanship.

July 31, 2012

Welfare paradise is debating itself, but is it still about welfare?

In 1983, a band that called themselves 'The Dutch', had a modest hit with their catchy song "This is Welfare (Paradise)". It was, as you might have guessed, a Dutch band from Amstelveen, and the subject of their song was, as you guessed again, their country, my country, The Netherlands. What you did not guess is that their song was not picturing The Netherlands as a welfare paradise, au contraire, but The Netherlands were seen by many as Welfare Paradise at the time, with an excellent social system only topped by Scandinavian countries.

In the Dutch language, the word 'welfare' can be translated by 'prosperous', as referred to by the Dutch in their song, but it can also be translated by 'well-being, in good health'. That is the meaning I am referring to in this blog, as health these days, ironically enough, is more and more linked to prosperity and finance.

July 25, 2012

Best TV series ever - is it possible to pick just one?

It is summer time, apart from the ongoing Euro crisis and the upcoming Olympics (next week) there is not a lot to blog about. I figured it was time to take a light subject, as it is, for most people at least, vacation time. People love top 10 lists, as they give us a chance to agree with (and feel connected to) other people or to disagree with (but still feel connected as it is about arguing taste in a positive way) other people. Usually top 10 lists are discussed at home with the family, or at social events with friends. Usually in a light and positive setting, with people you relate to.

I have chosen the subject of the best TV series ever. Not to put together a top 10 list, but to pick one!

July 23, 2012

Summer of Sports - blessing or disguise?

We all know the expression in the English language: a blessing in disguise. The meaning of this expression is clear to everyone, I think. It means that something that seems bad on the surface may turn out to be good. OK, that is what I figured, but what does it mean in the context of this story? Why relate this to a blog about sports? Not just to any sports, but to the summer of sports of 2012! You will know once you have finished reading this blog.

July 22, 2012

IMF - saviour or demon?

The German magazine 'Der Spiegel' (the mirror) headlines today that European leaders in Brussels have been informed about the intention of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to stop the financial aid to suffering euro country Greece, because Greece is not following the agreed path to reform their economy and bring down government spending.

July 13, 2012

How the Dutch coalition model ends in extremes and how to prevent this.

As Europe is searching a way out of the quicksand of the Euro crisis, one of the Euro sceptic countries of the past, who voted NO against the European constitution in 2006, is becoming more and more sceptical once again in the wake of upcoming elections in September.

July 1, 2012

Europe: the search for a new New World.

In the second half of the 19th century, many people migrated from Europe to America in search for happiness and prosperity. They dreamed of a better life in the new world. I don't know if people from my family were among them, but why not? What would I have done if I had lived back then?